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Dr. Niyati Chitkara shares her views on Personalized Learning


Dr Niyati Chitkara, Principal, Chitkara International School was invited by Funtoot to talk and share her research and views on “Personalized Learning” along with some eminent educationists from the Tricity like, Dr. Kirandeep Singh, Department of Education, Dr. Shashi Banerjee, Principal, Bhavan Vidyalaya, Panchkula, Mr. A.P.S. Sidhu, Saupins School and Mr. Rajeev Pathak, Funtoot. Her talk and presentation which highlighted various ingredients(tools) used by Chitkara International School to impart customized learning to its students, was highly appreciated and applauded by one and all present at the conference. The Conference was attended by more than 50 academicians from reputed institutes in Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, Jalandhar and Ludhiana.
