Admission Helpline

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) about Safety & Security at CIS

“Safety and Security of students have always been an inseparable element in the working of Chitkara International School. We also think that parents being significant stakeholders of the school, need to be aware of the safety and security measures being followed at Chitkara International School. Following are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with respect to parents’ concerns and queries. These FAQs cater to every safety and security checkpoint into consideration with explicit and transparent answers. We hope our answers satisfy you but in case there is any other query or suggestion to improve the system or process, please feel free to get in touch via SchoolPad.”

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) on Safety & Security at CIS

1. What are the medical facilities available in the school for any medical emergency?

2. Is the school premise properly covered by CCTV?

3. How is CCTV network monitored?

4. Can parents be allowed to have access to live feed of CCTV online?

5. Has police verification for all the staff members done by the school?

6. Can parents have access to location and speed of the bus through GPS?

7. Do you have separate washrooms for staff and children?

8. Are washrooms attended by female attendants during school timings?

9. Do the non teaching male staff including drivers, conductors, gardeners, security guards, have
access to the washrooms, school corridors, classrooms, staircase etc meant for children?

10. What kind of counseling/orientations sessions are conducted by the school for training the

11. Has the school conducted any sessions for children to train them on good touch and bad
touch and to learn basic self-defence?

12. Are staff and children under active supervision?

13. Are drains, sumps, bore wells, overhead water tanks covered properly and regularly checked?

14. Are all windows of the school properly grilled and balconies well protected?

15. Are electrical equipments used for various purposes well concealed so as to keep them
beyond the reach of children?

16. Can the sports teacher provide coaching to a student alone in the sports room at any time
of the day without permission of the principal and parents?

17. Can the sports teachers give coaching to student/s on a holiday?

18. Is there an active Child Protection Committee?

19. Are parents encouraged to participate in Child Protection Issues?

20. What is the responsibility of the school when the child is taken out for any picnic or other

21. Is my child safe in the school premises throughout his stay in the school?

22. Are drivers and conductors put to Alcohol-meter test?

23. Is teacher provided in the school bus from the first pickup till the last drop?

24. Do the drivers and conductors stay in the school premises during school time?

25. What time a parent should drop a child if not availing transport facility?

26. Is the transport system run by the school or outsourced to some other agencies?

27. Are students of the school allowed to carry mobile phones or other electronic devices?

28. Has school granted permission to use self-hired conveyance by parents?