Admission Helpline

Student Cabinet (2023-24)


Chitkara International School plans to organise a comprehensive and illuminating “Student Cabinet Expedition 2023-24” for its students with the vision of preparing future leaders and entrepreneurs

To inculcate the skills of leadership, coordination and management in the students, Chitkara International School will be organising “Student Cabinet Expedition 2023-24” whereby the school will appoint a Head Boy, Head Girl, a Joint Secretary and an Assistant Joint Secretary of the school. Moreover, the students will be categorised into four houses of which the Student Cabinet, comprising of the CEO, Vice President and General Manager, will also be appointed to comprehend and ignite the authority and responsibilities of a leader among the students. The said expedition will be divided into four all-inclusive rigorous rounds i.e., Fitter (the physical fitness round), Scholar (the academic score round), Presenter (the presentation round), and Smarter (the quiz round) for the selection of the students for the aforementioned posts. The said expedition aims to earnestly encourage students to engage in both teamwork and leadership activities. Moreover, the various roles and responsibilities will certainly generate self-confidence and effectively ingrain the spirit of leadership in the dynamic Chitkarians.

The students are hereby requested to partake in the overarching expedition with immense zeal and enthusiasm!