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CIS was applauded for its best practice of “Twining Model- Sharing of Resources on Environment and Value Culture” by (CCPCR)


Chitkara International School (CIS) has always focused on investing in the future of children through programs that deck them with skills and tools. One of such initiatives was the exchange program titled “Partnership Between School”. This programme was a collaboration between Government Model Senior Secondary School, Dhanas and Chitkara International School. The discernible benefits of this collaboration included capacity building, sharing of ideas, innovative approach etc. and the entire journey embarked upon resulted in a great learning and networking experience. This profuse association was applauded by Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Rights (CCPCR) at their event “National Consultation of UT’s on Creating Child-Friendly Cities” conducted on its 5th Foundation Day. CIS was absolutely pleased to receive the recognition of best practice of “Twining Model- Sharing of Resources on Environment and Value Culture”.
The acknowledgement was embraced by Dr. Niyati Chitkara, Principal, Mr. Avneet Singh, Manager Operations, Ms. Dolma Pathela, Asst. English Coordinator and two students Vivikta and Arnav Kalia on behalf of the school. This award was presented to Principal and Child-Friendly Committee of CIS by Honourable Justice A.B. Chaudhari, Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court cum Executive Chairman and Mrs. Harjinder Kaur, Chairperson, CCPCR. The other dignitaries of the event were Sh Priyank Kanoongo, Chairperson, NCPCR, New Delhi, Prof. Nishtha Jaswal, VC, HP National Law University and Sh Mahavir Singh, Member Secretary, SLSA, Chandigarh. The event also incorporated displaying of the snippets of this creditable alliance through a video that was appreciated by one and all. Through actions and executions like this, CIS aims to lay a bedrock that will bring positive change in the lives of children.