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Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Chairperson, CIS speaks at CII Edu Summit, Chandigarh


A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. —John Maxwell. The statement is in sync with our leader, our revered Chairperson, Dr. Mrs. Madhu Chitkara, who was one of the speakers at CII Edu Summit – Aligning Education with National Skill Qualification Framework held on 1st September, 2014 at CII Headquarters, Chandigarh. The Summit aimed to focus on some key aspects such as – how do we create opportunities for developing career pathways, how do we recognize prior learning and what modifications are needed to make it happen. The three sessions of the summit focused on the following themes:

    Learning from the international experience

  • Possibilities of linkages between the three levels of education – the school, vocational training institutes and institutions of higher learning – in the country
  • How can the regulatory system be made more flexible to make multiple entry and exit points feasible.

CII Edu Summit