Admission Helpline

The Basics Of Digital Sculpting (Grades 11 & 12)


Chitkara International School, Chandigarh is all set to organise a riveting session on Digital Art and Graphic Designing viz. “The Basics of Digital Sculpting” as a part of its Frolic Fridays

The practice of using typography and photographs for visual communication is known as graphic design. It uses visual and textual information to portray thoughts and experiences and includes pictures, phrases, symbols, and motions. In light of the same, Chitkara International School is pleased to announce that the dynamic students of Grades 11 and 12 will have the opportunity to partake in an educational Digital Art and Graphic Designing session titled “The Basics of Digital Sculpting” organised by the school. Furthermore, the eminent Mr Vichar BN, Art Director of Technicolor Games, will lead the session. Thus, the students of the aforementioned grades are requested to participate in the said session and explore this contemporary art form.

The school hereby looks forward to the active participation of the Chitkarians and a fruitful Frolic Friday session!